
Hey, I'm Jesse, co-founder of @GEGhostred, a lover of software, gaming, cybersecurity & volunteerism. At work, I love software product strategy, to build & empower product teams and to volunteer in support of future STEM leaders.

I'm originally from a small town in Western Massachusetts, where I discovered my love for sports, music and videogames. In the fall of 2006, thinking I'd like to break into game development, I took the one programming class my high school offered - QBasic. An elevator, blackjack and ATM program later, software became my life.

Following high school, I went on to receive a Computer Science Degree from UMass Amherst, complete GE's Digital Technology Leadership Program, and receive an MBA from UNC Chapel Hill.

Now based in Richmond, VA I am the Product Manager for GameStop's search, trade and preowned services. Additionally, I'm the Chair of Deep Run High School's CIT Advisory board.

I'm always on the look-out for opportunities to volunteer, mentor or partner in the launch of a new product. Shoot me a note or connect on LinkedIn!
